I pressed the door bell for the second time and there was no respond, should I go back home? I thought. The weather is cloudy and it will start raining soon, I had no other option than to wait. What would I say and how will I say it? Hmmmm  I started  forming sentences in mind for my dream Awuraa Ama. Before I practice my sentences orally someone opened the door, it was Eugene Mr. Asare's  first son. He took me in and gave me a sit at the table. It was already set with plates, forks and knives. is a politician coming to this house? I wondered , Ama was seating right in front of me  she looked sweet and more beautiful than ever her  teeth were shining behind her tiny smooth lips, her long hair was brushing off her shoulders down to her  breast.  I was ordered by Eugene to say the grace " dear lord help us express our love to others oh father even with a smile let her  know how i feel, please lord ..... "I felt a knock on my left foot, it was Mr. Asare who intentionally stepped on me , he noticed my attention was on his daughter. I then said amen,  I was not at ease at all because I was eager to tell her how I wanted her . Whiles eating Ama  told the father about the city excursion to Mole park that will be the next Saturday. I don't want you to go alone, Eugene will you  be able to go? Mr. Asare asked. Dad please I cant, let Jakes go with her since he has become a friend to our family. Eugene answered. Ok Ama would you like him to go with you?  Is up to ... Before she even finished her statement I shouted yes I will go. I started to recite the words of Psalms 23 waiting for her approval................. To be continued


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