I bought some credit and sent the text that early morning, I decided to take my bath and go to church. Hmmm I was uncertain and restless. As I was bathing I heard my phone ringing, thinking It Is Awura Ama I quickly left the bathroom to pick up. Aah! It was Maureen the lady I usually go to church with. I knew what she was going to say 'cos she always says this same words "I will be waiting under the tree beside the road. Please hurry". I did not pick anyway, I went back to finish bathing. Though the phone continued ringing i did not show any concern. I quickly dressed, took my bible and set off for church. I picked Maureen on my way as usual. I recived a notification just about negotiating the curve that leads to the supermakert near Owuku flat where Mr. Asare lives. It was Awuraa Ama who sent a text " hey I have been calling since where are you? Come take me to church."  Eiish so quick i thought. I was uncomfortable with Maureen but I dont want to risk chances.  Are you prepared?  I asked.  She quickly replied " yes"
I then took a turn heading towards the flat. Maureen had a weird look on her face  "where are we passing today she asked?" Ummm I am picking up a friend just around the corner please kindly sit behind and dont utter a word. I blew the horn Upon arriving at the flat. There she comes, beautifully dressed beyond description. I rushed to get the door for her and introduced Maureen as well. Lets get going she said. I drove patiently and gently looking forward to impress her.
We had an affectionate conversation on our way to church and back home. However we decided to have lunch together on Wednesday so we can make preparations for the excursion.
I can clearly remember her last words before she alighted " you are quite amazing, I am getting to like you. Call me tonight and lets talk more"
It sounds like music in my ears, in that soft and feeble voice of hers.
To be continued..........


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