I don't know why you are  concerned and confused about how we pronounce what we eat. Does it really matter? I understand language as a social construct subjective  to beliefs and orientation. So I call it "bofroat" someone else calls it "ball float" now you say it is buff loaf okay I  will accept it and call it the way you want, since you proved that should be  how we call it and even If that's the correct name to it, what about the  "travigator" we use to say, the pepsodent for every toothpaste and the Omo for every washing powder Ooh and the "kindagati" , you have to say something about them too cos I have noticed you want to educate me.These few days I didn't have peace because of these "buff loaf'' thing. I wish I was somewhere close to America even the boarder would do, I just want the environment where I could use words like "nukes, cheesy, clunker" since they have accepted them and collectively call them slangs. I wonder why we don't have slangs in our communities or do we? may be we do but haven't define them as such. If we could define them it wouldn't seem we are all wrong when we call slippers "charlewatey". I don't think we can be wrong when we pronounce something we all understand and can identify it as such because I consider it a different name in a different community.  


  1. Interesting revelation.....all that matters is to feel at ease when communicating


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