

Bro, I'm just about posting my new love  Guess what, she's a popular Instagram model with over ten thousand followers  Hahaha, My level go high ong, aswear.   I understand how we are on different levels, She's a sky scrapper and I am like a flat. She's a big girl, yes.  But Is she bigger than God ?  Mtcheww I'll shoot my shot The basket might be so skewed but l'll still make the three points. Truth is there is no need trying to get everyone's attention, using all my energy in getting a stunning dunk down the hoop. Even from a distance with the perfect timing and accurate aim I can make the shot. Me gye me hon di.  What  if I miss, Eyii like I die ooh.  Like All this vhim I gathered to spoil her ears this few days will be wasted.  Hw3 I'll pull up in her dm I'll be at her door every morning  I'll put an egg in a coca-cola bottle  I'll sweep the ocean till it's clear like glass, I'll carry the whole of Accra to Las Vegas I'll follo


I don't know why you are  concerned and confused about how we pronounce what we eat. Does it really matter? I understand language as a social construct subjective  to beliefs and orientation. So I call it "bofroat" someone else calls it "ball float" now you say it is buff loaf okay I  will accept it and call it the way you want, since you proved that should be  how we call it and even If that's the correct name to it, what about the  "travigator" we use to say, the pepsodent for every toothpaste and the Omo for every washing powder Ooh and the "kindagati" , you have to say something about them too cos I have noticed you want to educate me.These few days I didn't have peace because of these "buff loaf'' thing. I wish I was somewhere close to America even the boarder would do, I just want the environment where I could use words like "nukes, cheesy, clunker" since they have accepted them and collectively call th


I bought some credit and sent the text that early morning, I decided to take my bath and go to church. Hmmm I was uncertain and restless. As I was bathing I heard my phone ringing, thinking It Is Awura Ama I quickly left the bathroom to pick up. Aah! It was Maureen the lady I usually go to church with. I knew what she was going to say 'cos she always says this same words "I will be waiting under the tree beside the road. Please hurry". I did not pick anyway, I went back to finish bathing. Though the phone continued ringing i did not show any concern. I quickly dressed, took my bible and set off for church. I picked Maureen on my way as usual. I recived a notification just about negotiating the curve that leads to the supermakert near Owuku flat where Mr. Asare lives. It was Awuraa Ama who sent a text " hey I have been calling since where are you? Come take me to church."  Eiish so quick i thought. I was uncomfortable with Maureen but I dont want to risk chance


My gaze was on her all this while expecting her approval. "Ok Dad I will go with him" she said softly. a pinch of saliva speedily run down my throat. I had this indescribable feeling, my head was full of thoughts of what to say, which formula will be suitable for plucking Mr. Asare's beautiful flower? It was half past 10 I told Eugene I should be on my way. He led me to the gate pat me on my back and said "bro. I've got your back on this just exercise patience. I promise you it will be successful."  I was suprised at what Eugene said. Did he notice my intention or he thought I would be the best person for his Sister. He then handed a piece of paper to me, it was Awura Ama's mobile phone number .I immediately ended the conversation. Thinking I would get home quickly and call her before it gets too late. I lay on my bed  took my phone and dialled her number. It was unreachable. I tried again and again. This silly* woman on the otherside was till sayin


My path is dark, my heart is sinking and fear has laid its vicious hands on me, when I think of yelling for help, will it turn to my doom? In the middle of life’s thick and dark forest where I can’t trace my route back home or tell where I am going. My wisdom has turned into foolishness and my strength to weakness. I need light, yes true light, not a dim lantern or a faint candle but fierce rays of the raging sun. How long should I keep waiting? The Confidence in the moon and the stars are gone, my patience is feeble, and my eyes are far stretched about falling from the sockets. Oh I need light! That which will give me hope and electrify my dyeing bones, strengthen my feet and energize my aspirations. My dreams are wild, worth realizing. If the sun will come, I hope it comes quick enough so I don’t get late.


  Dear Fante D)kunu,                                 How will it be if you are naked? How will you feel if you are sold like a fried yam? You look best in full apparel, you look attractive in your brown coat of dried plantain leaves with white polythene bag long sleeves beneath. Oh my love what have you done to yourself? Nowadays you wear high waist, miniskirts and your provocative dresses showing your private parts and say you are dwelling in the pool of fashion? Do you remember the day you tried the nice cream kente for the Odwira festival? you were like an adorable queen. Your satisfactory worth is beyond the white man’s rice that is served naked at an expensive price. Oh my love don’t forget the times you told me how sacred your breasts were, don’t forget how ashamed you were when shitor told you your holes are drawn in the coat. Have you forgotten your origin? Don’t you know you are from a prestigious home? Change, change for the better. Go back to the days you dress like an angel


 I pressed the door bell for the second time and there was no respond, should I go back home? I thought. The weather is cloudy and it will start raining soon, I had no other option than to wait. What would I say and how will I say it? Hmmmm  I started  forming sentences in mind for my dream Awuraa Ama. Before I practice my sentences orally someone opened the door, it was Eugene Mr. Asare's  first son. He took me in and gave me a sit at the table. It was already set with plates, forks and knives. is a politician coming to this house? I wondered , Ama was seating right in front of me  she looked sweet and more beautiful than ever her  teeth were shining behind her tiny smooth lips, her long hair was brushing off her shoulders down to her  breast.  I was ordered by Eugene to say the grace " dear lord help us express our love to others oh father even with a smile let her  know how i feel, please lord ..... "I felt a knock on my left foot, it was Mr. Asare who intentionally