
Showing posts from February, 2017


I bought some credit and sent the text that early morning, I decided to take my bath and go to church. Hmmm I was uncertain and restless. As I was bathing I heard my phone ringing, thinking It Is Awura Ama I quickly left the bathroom to pick up. Aah! It was Maureen the lady I usually go to church with. I knew what she was going to say 'cos she always says this same words "I will be waiting under the tree beside the road. Please hurry". I did not pick anyway, I went back to finish bathing. Though the phone continued ringing i did not show any concern. I quickly dressed, took my bible and set off for church. I picked Maureen on my way as usual. I recived a notification just about negotiating the curve that leads to the supermakert near Owuku flat where Mr. Asare lives. It was Awuraa Ama who sent a text " hey I have been calling since where are you? Come take me to church."  Eiish so quick i thought. I was uncomfortable with Maureen but I dont want to risk chance